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“Of course, and I’ll bet it will go quickly,” Julia answered with a wink. “Zeke, you are a member of the General Population, are you not?”

“Of course,” Zeke said. “As an original member of the ISS crew, that’s naturally. .” but then his eyes strayed toward Spencer and his voice trailed off.

Julia smiled. “An awkward topic has come up, and it’s best to face it with absolute transparency. Despite being a longtime, trusted member of the ISS crew, Spencer here has been removed from the General Population and demoted to the status of an Arkie.”

“I wouldn’t look at it as a demotion,” Zeke began.

Julia silenced him with a dismissive fluttering of the fingers. These were still manicured. Camila had been doing her nails for her. “We all know it was a demotion. Markus sprang it on Spencer when he got news of the Eight Ball and saw what was coming. Oh yes, I’ve been filled in on all of the carefully laid plans that Markus set into motion when his sweetheart so conveniently gave him the news. Had word of it reached us at the White House, I don’t know how I would have reacted — but we were busy protecting Kourou, and supporting Markus as best we knew how. Spencer here, after all those years of patient service, was replaced by that hacker boy—”

“Steve Lake?” Zeke asked.

Julia’s eyes darted to Camila, who nodded.

“Yes,” Julia said, “Steve Lake. I guess he’s quite clever, but obviously no competition for Spencer.”

Are they in competition?” Zeke asked.

“In a sense yes, when we Arkies are exposed to the all-seeing eye of SAN, and the GPop is permitted to have some semblance of privacy.”

“It depends on where you are in the space station,” Zeke began, but then trailed off.

“I wouldn’t know, since I’ve been permitted to spend very little time there. Oh, I know the official justification. I’m not qualified to be a member of the GPop. By process of elimination, that makes me an Arkie. Fine. But that doesn’t mean I can’t maintain a degree of social connection with old friends who are so privileged.” Julia reached out and clasped Zeke’s hand briefly.

“To be sure,” Zeke said, “and I think that as time goes on those two populations will cease to be thought of as separate groups.”

“I know that is the official dogma,” Julia said, amused.

“But most of that social interaction is not going to be through face-to-face visits.”

“So I’m told. Hard to envision how the populations will merge as long as that is the case.”

“Most of it is going to be happening through Spacebook and Scape and whatnot,” Zeke went on, referring to the Cloud Ark versions of popular Internet communication apps. “At least until—”

“Until we all ascend into heaven and live happily ever after as one big friendly Ark,” Julia said. “Zeke, you know space operations better than anyone. What is your opinion of the strategy that Markus has been foisting on us? The Big Ride? Even the name seems a bit suggestive, doesn’t it, of. . I don’t know what.” She exchanged a look with Camila, who giggled at the witticism.

Zeke looked around.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Julia reassured him.

“About what?”

“Markus’s surveillance network.”

“SAN? I wasn’t worried about it,” Zeke protested. “Just thinking.”

“About what, pray tell? Major Petersen, all kidding aside, I really am quite keen to hear your opinions as an expert.”

“To tell you the truth, I’m thinking about how thin the walls of this pressure hull are,” Zeke said. “When you called in that bolide strike yesterday, you sounded pretty alarmed — I heard the message. Well, you had every reason to be alarmed. I do this for a living now — I go out and inspect these craters, big and small, that are piling up on our equipment. I patch holes, repair stuff that’s broken, and twice now I’ve had to handle fatalities. It’s no joke. If Markus sees an opportunity for us to ascend into heaven, as you put it, behind the shelter of Amalthea, well, I think it’s worth a try.”

“Is Amalthea going to shelter us from the thickening atmosphere? Camila here has been reading the technical reports for me, which Spencer has been so good as to download from the server. She tells me it’s quite serious.”

“The expansion of the atmosphere? It’s damn serious,” Zeke said. “But Izzy’s ballistic coefficient, with Amalthea attached, is huge. She can plow through some pretty thick air, and the rock will absorb all the heat. And arklets can ride along in her wake, like bicyclists drafting behind a truck.”

“All of the arklets?”

Zeke swallowed. “No. She doesn’t make a big enough bow wave to shield all of the arklets. Unless they fly so close together that Parambulator goes nuts.”

“This is the part of Markus’s plan that I can’t understand,” Julia said. “What is to happen to all of the arklets that are not afforded the privilege of nestling into Amalthea’s wake?”

“I don’t know all the details of the plan,” Zeke said. “It is fluid.”

“Meaning, it’s not really a plan,” Julia said.

“It depends on when Ymir gets back. What kind of condition she’s in. How much ice she has. Then we’ll make a plan.”

“And is that to be a dictatorial process? Under the, whatever it’s called — the martial law thing?”

“PSAPS,” Camila said.

Zeke shrugged. “I don’t think Markus is going to put it up for a vote. He’ll get together with his brain trust and they’ll decide.”

“Why bother consulting the brain trust?” Julia asked, as if the idea were a fascinating novelty.

“To bring in different perspectives. . make sure they’re not missing anything.”

“Are there any Arkies in this brain trust, or are we expected to meekly accept its verdict?”

Zeke was flummoxed. Had he been given the ability to rewind and replay the conversation, he would see that he’d been outmaneuvered. Lacking that perspective, he was tongue-tied for now.

Julia wasn’t. “I ask only because I’ve been getting to know a lot of Arkies. I have nothing else to do. No duties. No applicable skills. I find that many of them crave a bit of society. It’s a natural human need, just as much as sleep and exercise. So I talk to them — in person here on our little heptad, or through the channels you mentioned, the Spacebook and the Scape. These young people find it at least a novelty to have a conversation with a lonely and bored ex-president. My point being, Major Petersen, that our system worked. The Casting of Lots and the training camps produced the brightest collection of young talent it has ever been my privilege to encounter. They are brimming over with energy and ideas. These are the scarcest resources in our universe right now — scarcer than water, scarcer than living space. And as such I’d consider it a shame if their energy was wasted and their ideas were not taken into account by whatever smoke-filled room Markus assembles to make his plan — assuming he even survives what sounds to me like a somewhat harebrained endeavor.”

THE CREW OF THE ORIGINAL JAMES CAIRD HAD USED CELESTIAL NAVIGATION to find their way across hundreds of leagues of stormy seas to the coast of South Georgia Island. The crew of the New Caird would have to do something similar. It was easier for them. The navigator on James Caird had had no choice but to await breaks in the ever-present cloud cover and snatch observations when he could, comparing them against a mechanical chronometer that he hoped was still telling true time. New Caird had better timepieces and a better view of the sky. In place of a sextant, they had a device consisting of a wide-angle lens and a high-resolution image sensor that could tell what direction it was aimed in just by comparing what it saw to an astronomical database stored in its memory. So they knew precisely how they were oriented in space, and how that orientation was shifting as the giant shard of ice to which they were attached progressed through the inexorable mathematics of its long ellipse. That, combined with direct measurements of Earth’s position, enabled Markus to calculate the parameters of their orbit and to reckon, with precision that grew each time he rechecked the figures, exactly how low they were going to go. Whenever Izzy was on their side of the planet, which was about half the time, they were able to get the latest figures from Doob concerning the expansion of the atmosphere.

It was in combining those two sets of figures that pure Newtonian mechanics began to break down. For, in a traditional calculation of a space vehicle’s trajectory, one assumed no atmosphere and no extraneous forces resulting from it. But there was now no denying that Ymir would be going low enough to scrape the air. At a minimum, this meant it would experience some drag that would throw it off the course that Sean Probst had laid in. As these things went, drag wasn’t that difficult to calculate. Its effect on their course could be estimated. But because the ice shard wasn’t a symmetrical body, coming in straight, it was also going to generate some lift. Not a lot of lift — nothing like an airplane wing — but some. If that lift got aimed in the wrong direction it would make Ymir veer downward, like a stricken airplane going into its death spiral. But if they aimed it up, it would ease their passage by pushing them away from the Earth into an altitude where air was thinner. They would lose the benefit of lift then and drift back downward, but as the air got thicker, the lift would resume and push them back up. They might skip off the atmosphere several times during the hectic half hour when they were slingshotting around the world. The results would have been difficult to predict even if Ymir had been a traditional vehicle with a fixed and regular shape. But the shard was irregular. They didn’t have time to measure it and to feed the data into an aerodynamics simulator, so they could only guess how much lift it was going to produce. And when its leading edge and its underside began to plow through the air — even though the air might be so thin as to be indistinguishable, for most purposes, from a vacuum — it was going to heat up. Steam would rise from it, producing some amount of upward thrust, and its shape would change. So even if they had been able to simulate the shard’s aerodynamics, its lift and its drag, those numbers would quickly have become wrong during its first encounter with the upper air.